Call for Participation in Data Challenges

CODS-COMAD Data Challenge is a pre-conference competition. The challenge aims to attract teams from the Data Science, Data mining, and Machine Learning community to participate. We expect students, practitioners, and researchers to form teams and participate in the competition.

This year we have an exciting data challenge for participation:

Data Challenge : Predict Key Attributes from Product Images

Have you ever encountered a product listing on an e-commerce platform where the image showed a short-sleeve shirt, but the description claimed it was long-sleeved? Such discrepancies are not just frustrating for customers—they're a significant challenge for e-commerce platforms striving to maintain accurate product catalogs at scale.

Meesho is sponsoring the data challenge that addresses this critical issue in the e-commerce industry. Participants will develop models to automatically predict key product attributes from images, revolutionizing how products are cataloged and listed online.

More details about the challenge, participation, and prizes can be found in Attribute Prediction