Submission Instructions and Policies
All accepted papers will appear in the CODS-COMAD proceedings. The proceedings will be published in the ACM Digital Library and also indexed in DBLP.
Submission Format
All submissions should be formatted using the ACM sigconf style available here.
Instructions for authors writing in LaTeX
LaTeX submissions should be formatted using the ACM sigconf style. The authors can either download the templates from ACM website or use Overleaf.
- The LaTeX templates can be found here. On this page, please download (Go to LaTeX Authors and click on the LaTeX version). Once you decompress, you should go to samples and use sample-sigconf.tex as your primary file for editing.
- The Overleaf template can be found here.
Please make sure to change the main document in Overleaf to sample-sigconf.tex (go to Overleaf -> Menu -> Main Document and set it to sample-sigconf.tex)
You should leave the document class as:
Also, at this stage you do not need to modify the copyright or the conference blocks.
Instructions for authors writing in Microsoft Word
MS Word submissions should use the Word template here. The submission will be a two-column submission.
Page Limits
Different tracks have their own page limits. Please check the respective track pages.
Submission Link
All papers will be submitted to CMT under the relevant track at
Additional Instructions
- Submissions not adhering to the page limit will be rejected without review.
- Different tracks have their own anonymity policies. Please check track pages for details.
- No change in either the set of authors or the ordering of authors will be permitted after a paper is submitted for review.
Sharing and Reproducibility
To enable reproducibility and data reuse, authors are encouraged to share artifacts including software, algorithms, protocols, code, datasets and other useful materials related to the research.
Conflicts of Interest (COI) policy
All authors submitting papers to any track must declare their conflicts of interest in CMT. You must declare a reviewer as a conflict of interest when the following associations exist:
- Employment at the same institution or company, regardless of geography/location, currently or in the last 12 months
- Having an open or accepted offer for employment at the same institution or company
- Receipt of an honorarium, stipend, or grant from the institution or company within the last 12 months (except where of a modest nature, such as reimbursement of seminar expenses, honorarium for examination of a thesis, and so on).
- Co-author on book or paper in the last 36 months
- Co-principal investigator on a funded grant or research proposal in the last 36 months
- Active collaborator on any project
- Family relationship or close personal relationship
- Graduate advisee/advisor relationship, regardless of time elapsed since graduation
We plan to use CLOSET to automatically detect some conflicts. We count on authors, PC members, the Organizing Committee, and all participants to adhere to ACM’s Conflict of Interest Policy as well as the ACM’s Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct.
Dual Submission and Plagiarism Policy
- Submissions should report original work that has not been previously published / accepted for publication, or is not being considered for publication in any other forum.
- Modified/extended versions of Arxiv Preprints can be submitted provided it satisfies the previous criterion.
- Each manuscript should be submitted to a SINGLE track of CODS-COMAD 2025.
- All papers will be subjected to a plagiarism check before reviewing. Please review the ACM Policy on Plagiarism, Misrepresentation and Falsification here. Submissions violating this policy will be rejected without review.
Penalties for Violations
- Manuscripts that do not meet the length or formatting instructions or that are simultaneously submitted to multiple venues (including papers with significant overlap) will be rejected without review.
- Dual submission to Research and Applied Data Science tracks will result in rejection without review.
- Failure to disclose all CoIs will result in rejection without review.
- At the discretion of the PC Chairs and the Steering Committee, egregious violations (including plagiarism and COI) may lead to additional penalties.
- You are encouraged to contact the PC Chairs if you have questions as to the originality conditions, dual submission, or conflict of interest policy.