Property graphs are a widespread data model for representing interconnected multi-labeled data enhanced with properties as key/value pairs. These highly expressive graphs are used in a wide range of domains, such as social and transportation networks, biological networks, finance, cybersecurity, logistics and planning, to name a few. Property graphs are currently used in a variety of graph databases showing a fragmented landscape in terms of query and schema language support, indexing mechanisms and query evaluation and optimization strategies.
Motivated by our community-wide vision on future graph processing systems, in this talk I will present the underpinnings of unified data and query model abstractions as well as the principles of graph ecosystems. Many current graph query engines only support very limited subsets of graph data manipulation and data definition primitives. It becomes crucial to address efficient query evaluation for complex graph queries, in both static and streaming environments. I will conclude my talk by pinpointing several research directions and open problems for graph ecosystems.
Speakers Bio: Angela Bonifati (PhD, 2002) is a Professor of Computer Science at Lyon 1 University and at the CNRS Liris research lab, where she leads the Database Group. She is also an Adjunct Professor at the University of Waterloo in Canada since 2020. Her current research interests are on the interplay between relational and graph-oriented data paradigms, particularly query processing, indexing, data integration and learning for both paradigms. She is involved in several grants at Lyon 1 University, including French, EU and industrial grants. She has also co-authored more than 150 publications in top venues of the data management field, and is the recipient of two Best Paper awards (ICDE22, VLDB22 runner up). She has co-authored two books (on Schema Matching and Mapping edited by Springer in 2011 and on Querying Graphs edited by Morgan & Claypool in 2018) and an invited paper in ACM Sigmod Record 2018 on Graph Queries. She was the Program Chair of ACM Sigmod 2022 and she is currently an Associate Editor for both Proceedings of VLDB and IEEE ICDE. She is an Associate Editor for several journals, including the VLDB Journal and ACM TODS. She is currently the President of the EDBT Executive Board and a member of the Sigmod Executive Committee.