Instructions for Camera Ready Paper Submissions

Congratulations again on the acceptance of your work. We are now providing the details regarding the submission of the camera-ready version. The deadline for submission for camera-ready versions across all tracks is November 22, 2022, AOE (that is November 23, 2022, 5:29 PM IST)

We now discuss four main steps that you need to complete for the successful registration and camera-ready paper upload.

Step 1: Rights Review

  • You and/or your co-authors should soon receive (or would already have received) an email from ACM Rights Review ( with a link to the electronic ACM copyright-permission form(s) to be completed.

    * NOTE: As rights management emails are sent from an automated system, there is a chance that emails sent will wind up in SPAM folders. Please make sure that you and your authors set email SPAM settings to allow emails from "". Please fill the rights management forms immediately after getting them.

  • Upon completing the electronic form, you will receive a confirmation email. The confirmation email will contain the ACM copyright-permission block text, conference data, and DOI string/URL specific for your submission.
  • Authors MUST add the correct ACM rights management text to the first page of their paper. Incorrect rights statement found on a paper will be returned to you for correction. This will unfortunately, cause delay in posting the entire conference proceedings in the ACM Digital Library, so please take care of the details.

Step 2: Paper Registration

  • Each unique paper should be registered by at least one author for it to appear in the proceedings. Articles which do not have a registration by at least one author will be removed from the proceedings.
  • The following is the link for the registration:
  • On this link, you are required to fill in the name of the paper, and the EasyChair ID. Each paper has a unique EasyChair ID. The following set of images show how to obtain the unique EasyChair ID associated with your paper.
  • First, you need to Login to EasyChair, Select CODS-COMAD 2023, and select the role as author.
  • Once you click on the author, you will be taken to a page showing all your submitted papers. Please select the accepted paper you want to register for.
  • You can additionally verify the EasyChair ID by clicking on View (magnifying glass icon) for this paper. This will show an interface like the following image, where you can again confirm the EasyChair ID.

Step 3: Preparing Camera-Ready Paper


The deadline for submission of camera-ready papers for all tracks is November 15, 2022, AOE (November 16, 2022, 5:29 PM IST)

Paper length

The following are the page limits that should be strictly followed when preparing the camera-ready submission:

  • Research Track and ADS track
    • Full Papers: Should not exceed 8 pages, plus up to 2 additional pages containing only references.
    • Short Papers: Should not exceed 4 pages, plus up to 1 additional page containing only references.
    • Extended Abstract: Should not exceed 1 page including figures, tables and references.
  • Demo Track: Should not exceed 4 pages, plus up to 1 additional page containing only references. A link to the demo should be present in the main content.
  • Young Researchers' Symposium: Extended abstract should fit within two pages (including all images, tables, and references).
  • Tutorials: Should not exceed 4 pages, plus up to 1 additional page containing only references.

Ensure you are using the latest ACM "sigconf" proceedings template as outlined here:

Step 4: Uploading Camera-Ready Paper

  • On completing your ACM copyright form (in Step 1), authors will receive an email from '' with a custom link to upload their files to the ACM Proceedings' Author Dashboard.
  • Once the final camera-ready manuscript has been prepared, please upload both the PDF as well as all your source files for your manuscript at ACM Proceedings Author Dashboard.
  • The website will perform some basic checks of the file before it is uploaded.

If this is the first time you are submitting a camera-ready version for an ACM conference, you can look at the following webpages for general help on ACM copyright options, including LaTeX snippets, DOIs, etc.:

We greatly appreciate your cooperation in this regard. If you have any further questions on your final camera-ready submissions, please do not hesitate to contact Abhinandan S P (abhinandansp AT nie DOT ac DOT in) or Charu Sharma (charu DOT sharma AT iiit DOT ac DOT in). We look forward to meeting you at CODS-COMAD 2023!