Call for Demo Track Papers

Demonstration Track

The demonstration (demo) track invites submissions from academia and industry where a live or pre-recorded demonstration of the software system, prototype, conceptual design or library adds significant value to the work. Submissions should not exceed 4 pages and (unlimited) references. Topics of interest include data systems, data science, data management and platforms, data-driven applications etc. The scope for demos is broad and includes all topics of interest to the CODS-COMAD conference.

The demo should be the result of innovative work including solving novel technical or research problems and/or creating novel UI/UX.

Authors of accepted demo track papers will have the option to do either a recorded demo or a live demo at the conference site. Recorded demos will consist of a pre-recorded video. Accepted demos will appear in the proceedings of the conference, which will be published in ACM Digital Library.

Please read the Dual submission, Plagiarism and Conflict of Interest policies before finalising your submission.

Several technical awards are available for best paper, etc. Please see the Awards page for details.

Partial travel Grants will be available for students (both domestic and international) whose papers are accepted. Presenters will also have the option to present the papers virtually.

Submission Instructions

The submission must describe the technical innovation that has produced the demonstrated system. Each demo track submission should contain an introduction, brief description, screenshots, a description of the novelty of the demonstration, and the potential applications. For live demos, submissions should specify how the demonstration will be demonstrated and what the hardware requirements are (for the organizers). Authors should submit a URL to screenshots or a 2-minute youtube video showing the demo or link to an online version of the software in deployment.

Please see this page for submission instructions

Important dates

All deadlines are Anywhere on Earth (AoE, UTC-1200)
Sep 15, 2022    Sep 22, 2022 Submission of papers
Oct 30, 2022: Notification of acceptance
Nov 15, 2022: Camera-ready version due

Demo Track Chairs

  • Mayank Vatsa, IIT Jodhpur, India
  • Anoop Kunchukuttan, Microsoft, India
  • For more details, please reach out to the track chairs at

Program Committee

Please see this page for program committee members.